The Reutlinger Community - Learn More
About Us
Life at The Reutlinger Community
Located in Danville in the scenic East Bay Area, the 110,000-square-foot The Reutlinger Community provides comfortable accommodations and personalized care for up to 180 seniors. Staffed by seasoned specialists with decades of experience in senior care and skilled nursing, we treat each resident as if they are the most important person in the building.
Awards and Achivements
MarCom Award – 2021 Golden Winner
Jewish Heritage Museum
The Reutlinger Community is fortunate to have received a magnificent collection of Judaica from the Ruth and Max Eis Collection. This collection, displayed in three areas of the building, consists of objects gathered from various Jewish communities around the world. It includes Sabbath lamps from Germany, memorial lamps from North Africa, Chanukah lamps from Eastern Europe, pewter candelabra, ceramic Seder plates, Yemenite baskets, and many other religious and cultural artifacts. A committee of volunteers oversees the museum, and the exhibit changes several times a year.