The Parkview Levels of Care

The Parkview Levels of Care


The Parkview – Assisted Living

Staff and two resident women visiting

Finding the Best Care for Mom or Dad - Download free brochure on What to Know - call-to-action buttonThe Parkview is a state-of-the-art senior living community in the heart of the East Bay. We’ve strived to create a neighborhood that is part of the Pleasanton community, that offers residents the independence they want, while knowing that our staff is available around-the-clock, if needed.


The Parkview – Memory Care

Staff smiling with her arms around a woman resident

The Parkview is a state-of-the-art senior living community in the heart of the East Bay. We’ve strived to create a neighborhood that is part of the Pleasanton community, that offers residents the independence they want, while knowing that our staff is available around-the-clock, if needed.


The Parkview – Short-Term Stay

Two women sitting at the patio smiling and talking with a staff member

The Parkview offers guests the chance to experience the community on a temporary basis by joining us for a short-term stay. Guests can stay with us and receive access to our services and life enrichment programs for either assisted or memory care. It is an ideal solution for caregivers who are looking for a respite and can have the peace-of-mind knowing that their loved ones are well taken care of. 

Why wait? Call The Parkview today to learn more.

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