Learning to Live Well with Dementia
Living well with dementia is possible but your lifestyle and environment play a significant role in both your health and well-being. Diet, exercise, stress and your community all contribute to your holistic wellness.
Eating Well
Maintaining a balanced diet can both slow cognitive change and improve overall health. A balanced diet containing fruits, vegetables, fish, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B complex and vitamin E have been shown to reduce cognitive change and improve overall health.
Physical Movement
Physical exercise has been shown to improve overall cognitive wellness. Incorporating activities such as walking, running, hiking, and other forms of aerobic exercise can improve both your physical and cognitive health.
Environmental stressors, both chronic and perceived, can contribute to reduced cognitive ability. Stress left unchecked can turn into depression, anxiety and can cause physical ailments like trouble breathing, sleeping and fatigue. Try eliminating known triggers of stress in your life and incorporate activities that bring you joy.
Build a Strong Support Network
The fear and stigma surrounding living with dementia may contribute to feelings of social withdrawal. Isolation and loneliness can lead to depression and increased rates of cognitive change. Staying connected and engaged with your community is essential to your health and well-being. Join a meet-up group, club or support group who accept and understand the changes you are experiencing.
When you need help or have questions, call the Alzheimer’s Association 24/7 helpline at 800-272-3900.
If you are in need of additional support, consider Eskaton’s home support network, Dayspring Pre-memory Care or Dawn of a New Day program:
Dayspring Pre-memory Care offers a blended or transitional approach to assisted living and memory care. Residents early in their journey with dementia experience supportive independence and engage regularly in opportunities that promote self-expression, meaning and growth. Eskaton’s well-being philosophy believes in person-directed care where each person contributes and participates in their wellness plan.
Dawn of a New Day Memory Care offers a transformative well-being approach to care that supports the seven domains of well-being: identity, connectedness, security, choice, meaning, growth and joy. Residents participate in their own care and thrive in a supportive environment designed specifically to support their needs and promote socialization. Residents enjoy the intimacy of private or semi-private rooms with integrated technology that enhances independence. Opportunities to connect around the neighborhood are bountiful from gardening in the courtyard to dining with close friends during meals. The integration of music, art, animals, children, volunteers, family members are a part of the daily fabric of our neighborhood ensuring laughter and joy are plentiful!