Can I afford senior living?
At Eskaton we understand that everyone has unique circumstances that determine how to best fund senior living services. With careful research and planning, financing senior living does not have to put a strain on resources.
Run the numbers… Download our Cost Comparison Guide to evaluate your at home expenses to the price of living at an Eskaton Assisted Living Community.
Is it Time to Move to Assisted Living?
The choice to move into assisted living is as individual as the person making the decision. There is no clear-cut, step-by-step template that tells people exactly when it is time to consider assisted living as a long-term care option.
What can I do following a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or other dementia?
Receiving a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or dementia for yourself of a loved one is life changing. It’s normal to feel a range of emotions. This experience will help you move forward and discover new ways to live a positive and fulfilling life. You are not alone. There are support groups to help cope with the diagnosis.
How can I prevent a fall?
Falls are not a normal part of the aging process but physical changes, health conditions, medication or the environment can increase your likelihood of a fall. Fortunately, there are many things you can do today to help prevent a fall tomorrow.